Sunday, April 15, 2012

Just another weekend in Korea

Well there is not a ton to tell about this weekend. For those of you that don't know, I am currently taking my last two classes for my degree. In two weeks, after 12 years of going to school, I will graduate. I cannot wait to hit submit on my final assignment. With that being said, I am working on a 20 page capstone project. It takes up a great deal of my time but it's almost done.

Anyways, I did get the chance to go to Osan this weekend. I went golfing and boy was it ugly. I haven't picked up a set of golf clubs since my back surgery and it showed. Regardless of the fact that I put more golf balls in the water than in the actual hole, I still had a great time. Osan Air Force Base is nice. Real nice. It made it that much more depressing to come back to my little camp. We have exactly nothing here in terms of anything, well, cool. Osan, has a ton. For example, their PX alone is as big as my camp. Maybe a slight exaggeration but not by much. To top it off, as soon as you walk out of the gate there is, well, everything. All the shopping and sights you could possibly want to see. It is really a pretty great place. When I walk out of my gate I get to see rice fields fertilized with human fecal matter. Awesome. The good news is that my unit will actually be moving right down the road from Osan. The bad news, it won't be until about a month before I leave Korea. Oh well, such is life.

The days are beginning to warm up here. It hit 70 this weekend and it felt great. I will definitely be getting out to explore more of Korea very soon. As an added bonus, I will get to do some of the exploring with my amazing wife. In one month from today she will be boarding a plane for the longest effing flight of her life. I will have to give her a few days to get used to the time change, but after that I am going to haul her butt all over Korea. For those of you that do not know my wife, she consists on a diet of tater tots, chik fila, and pizza. Gonna be rough going when it comes to dining options. There are definitely chain restaurants here, but there is no where as many as there are located in the states. Maybe this will bring her out of her food comfort zone. Probably not.

Well, like I said, pretty unproductive, uneventful weekend. Once I am able to go exploring again, I am sure I will have some interesting stories to tell. Until then though my days will be filled with chicken pecking away at my final paper. Until next time...

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